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In sight

Welcome to our landscape photography world, where our passion is to capture and share the beauty, serenity, and perfection of our planet. We are dedicated to the art of photography, with a particular love for the enchanting world of film and the vibrant world of color, and we strive to infuse each image with poetry and emotion.this art gallery was created by Florent Louineau, French interior architect and designer from Meteor studio. 

Our work delves into a realm where black and white photography unveils an enigmatic world that transcends time and place. We deliberately opt for a powerful grain, which imparts a sandy aspect, creating a cohesive thread linking our subjects of study through the photograph. This choice not only intertwines with the subject matter and its textures but also evokes the world of nature, of surfing...

It alludes to the fascinating difference in the perception of reality, whether at the scale of a grain of sand or an entire planet. Moreover, our photography often emphasizes atmospheric perspective, drawing inspiration from 16th-century paintings, most notably those by Leonardo da Vinci. This technique allows us to bring an artistic and timeless quality to our images. Our photographs intentionally embrace a pencil-drawn effect, akin to an artist's sketch, enabling us to fully express the unique atmosphere of each location we capture. This approach also magnifies the overall ambiance, immersing viewers in the essence of the place. Our work is a journey into the mystique, the textural, and the atmospheric, where landscapes transcend the confines of the ordinary.

Our Passion for Landscape Photography

We are more than just photographers; we are storytellers. Our lens is our brush, and the world is our canvas. Each photograph we capture is a glimpse into a moment in time, a moment that encapsulates the essence of a place, a feeling, a mood. It is our unwavering passion for landscape photography that drives us to seek out these moments and share them with the world.

A Commitment to a better world

While we are driven by our passion for photography, we are equally committed to contributing to a better future for our planet. We believe in the importance of preserving the natural beauty that inspires us. That's why we actively support and engage with organizations like "Sea Shepherd" that are dedicated to protecting and conserving the world's oceans and marine life as well as other organizations struggling against deforestation.

By participating in the efforts of such organizations, we hope to contribute to a world that remains as beautiful and pristine as the landscapes we capture through our lens.

Join us in our journey to explore the world's beauty, share our passion for landscape photography, and make a positive impact on our planet. Together, we can preserve the delicate balance of nature and continue to be inspired by the world's wonders.

The Beauty of Film Photography

In our fast-paced digital age, we find solace in the time-honored art of film photography. Each click of the shutter, each roll of film, is a deliberate and thoughtful process. We cherish the imperfections, the textures, and the colors that only film can offer. It's in those unique characteristics that we discover the magic and poetry of the world around us.

The Colors of Life

In a world awash with colors, we are captivated by the spectrum of emotions and sensations that different hues can evoke. We explore the full range of colors, from the soothing blues of tranquil oceans to the fiery reds of a vibrant sunset. Our goal is to evoke a certain poetry and emotion in every image, allowing our viewers to experience the world through our eyes.

High-Quality Printing for Everyone

Our dedication to quality extends to our printing techniques, which were initially designed for large-format prints to immerse viewers in the landscape. However, we believe that everyone should have the chance to bring home an image that has captivated them. That's why we offer smaller prints to share the magic of our landscapes with a wider audience.

Join us in our journey to explore the world's beauty, share our passion for landscape photography, and make a positive impact on our planet. Together, we can preserve nature's balance and be inspired by its wonders.


Thank you for being part of our mission and for appreciating the art of landscape photography as much as we do !

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